Friday, April 24, 2009

A Perfectly Simple Day

There are those days that you plan in detail; activities, places to go, or elaborate dinner menus to make. You try to create a perfect day by packing so many things into a 24- hour span. Sometimes it works, but more often than not someone is in a bad mood, a nap is missed, there's a misunderstanding about something or other, the menu doesn't go as planned.

Then there are days like this. A rare day when we are unexpectedly home together. No particular structure to be followed. Some chores to get done - a haircut, a walk, laundry, and baths. But somehow everyone is happy, together, peaceful. The meals are basic but everyone eats. We ramble out into the yard where there is hopscotch to be played, tricycles to be ridden, dump trucks to be filled. No one fights, everyone's feeling playful, and we all seem in sync with some kind of good family feeling. It feels nice. If I look closely enough, there's a lesson in there somewhere about just letting things be, but for now I'm content to just bask in the glow of a good day.

For all the planning we do and the places we go, in the end, it's a simple day like this one that will be etched into our memories.

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